Table 1.

235U(n,f) experimental data sets included in the example evaluation are identified with their EXFOR No., first author, and year of publication. The last column lists all uncertainty sources that were added based on templates for in Table 1 of [11]. The information presented here was assembled from parts of Table I of LANL Report [24].

EXFOR # First author & Year Added template uncertainties
40158.006 Bljumkina 1964 [25] δcDG, δb, δω, δτ, δχ , δa, δd
21454.005/7/8 Colvin 1965 [26] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δds/m
20025.002 Conde 1965 [27] δcDG, δa, δds/m
12337.003 Diven 1956 [28] δcDG, δω, δτ, δa, δd, δds/m
14297.007 Diven 1961 [29] δcDG, δcff, δω, δχ, δa, δd, δds/m
21252.005 Fieldhouse 1966 [30] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δχ, δa, δd
21252.006 Fieldhouse 1966(2) [30] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δχ, δa, δd
20506.002 Frehaut 1980 [31, 32] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δχ, δa, δd, δds/m
21785.003 Frehaut 1982 [33] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δχ, δa, δd, δds/m
13101.003 Gwin 1986 [3436] δχ, δa, δds/m
12326.004 Hopkins 1963 [37] δcDG, δcff, δω, δχ, δa, δd, δds/m
14051.002 Howe 1976(2) [38] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ , δχ, δa, δd, δds/m
20427.002 Kaeppeler 1975 [39] δcff, δτ
12419.002 Meadows 1962 [40] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δa, δd
12391.002 Meadows 1965 [41] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δa, δd
12399.002/4 Meadows 1967 [42] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δa, δd
40033.002/4/6/8 Nesterov 1970 [43] δcDG, δb, δcff, δa, δd, δds/m
40132.002 Prokhorova 1967 [44] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δχ, δa, δd, δds/m
40392.002/3 Protopopov 1958 [45] δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δχ, δa, δd, δds/m
40058.004 Savin 1970 [46] δcDG, δcff, δω, δτ, δa, δd, δds/m
40262.002 Savin 1972 [47] δcDG, δcff, δω, δτ, δa, δd, δds/m
40493.002 Savin 1979 [48] δcDG, δcff, δω, δτ, δa, δd, δds/m
40388.006 Smirenkin 1958 [49] δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δχ, δa, δd
20568.002 Soleihac 1970 [50, 51] δcDG, δb, δcff, δω, δτ, δχ, δa, δd
30006.002 Walsh 1971 [52] δω, δa, δd

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