Open Access

Table 5.

Heat generated by the most dominant nuclides (98.2% of the generated heat), 6 months after reactor shut down for a representative 55 MWd/kgHM burnup.

Z Nuclide Half-life Decay heat (kW)
59 144Pr 17.28 min 107.4
45 106Rh 30 sec 101.6
55 134Cs 2.06509 y 53.5
41 95Nb 34.9907 d 40.1
96 242Cm 162.928 d 36.0
40 95Zr 64.0324 d 21.5
56 137mBa 2.552 m 12.4
39 90Y 2.67083 d 12.2
58 144Ce 285. d 9.6
39 91Y 58.5104 d 8.1
96 244Cm 18.0004 y 7.1
94 238Pu 87.698 y 4.8
44 103Ru 39.2604 d 4.7
38 89Sr 50.5706 d 4.1
55 137Cs 30.0406 y 3.8
63 154Eu 8.59302 y 3.5
38 90Sr 28.7898 y 2.3

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