EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol.
Volume 9, 2023
Euratom Research and Training in 2022: challenges, achievements and future perspectives
Article Number 19
Number of page(s) 10
Section Part 2: Radioactive waste management
Published online 08 May 2023
  1. T. Beattie et al., EURAD – key achievements at mid-term, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  2. IGD-TP, Implementing geological disposal of radioactive waste technology platform, European Commission – European Research Area, Special Report (2009) [Google Scholar]
  3. V. Detilleux et al., SITEX.Network: key activities, lessons learned and upcoming challenges, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  4. C. Bruggemans et al., Establishing EURADSCIENCE as a sustainable network for research organizations in radioactive waste management, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  5. V. Detilleux et al., EURAD Strategic research and knowledge management agenda: an update process preparing future joint actions, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  6. S. Mayer et al., The IAEA approach to information and knowledge transfer on radioactive waste management – opportunity for synergies with the international cooperation conducted under the EURAD and PREDIS projects, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  7. R. Tadesse, NEA activities on information, data and knowledge management, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  8. R. Robbins, Different missions – common goals: IAEA, PREDIS & EURAD working together to strengthen radioactive waste management world-wide, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  9. E. Holt et al., Predisposal conditioning, treatment, and performance assessment of radioactive waste streams, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
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  11. E. Leoni et al., EURAD EC project – overview of the WP ROUTES: identified key issues and open questions about waste management routes in Europe, from cradle to grave, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads, edited by F. Marsal (2022) [Google Scholar]
  12. J. Bourdon et al., Model based approaches for the study of nuclear waste treatment scenarios, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  13. EC, Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on progress of implementation of Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM and an inventory of radioactive waste and spent fuel present in the Community’s territory and the future prospects – second report SWD(2019) 435 final – SWD(2019) 436 final (2019) [Google Scholar]
  14. M. Vuori et al., ERDO – a road to sharing, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  15. C. De Bock et al., Cooperation between the EC projects EURAD and PREDIS on the subject of waste acceptance criteria, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  16. R. Szoke et al., HARPERS: harmonized best practices, regulations and standards in waste management and decommissioning, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  17. T. Beattie et al., The EURAD roadmap – a roadmap for implementing radioactive waste management, leading to geological disposal, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  18. A. Sjöblom et al., Spent nuclear fuel management, characterisation, and dissolution behaviour: progress and achievement from SFC and DISCO, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  19. H. Forsström, General Rapporteur: EURADWASTE ‘22 – key messages and future perspectives, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  20. R. Plukiene et al., Metallic radioactive waste classification for the different types of reactors considered in PREDIS, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  21. K. Hamadache et al., Innovations in liquid organic waste treatment and conditioning within the PRE-DISposal management of radioactive waste (PREDIS) European collaboration project, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  22. F. Galluccio et al., Innovative oxidative treatment and geopolymer encapsulation of spent mixed bed ion exchange resins, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – poster & overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  23. E. Niederleithinger et al., Management of cemented LL/IL waste: new tools developed and improved in PREDIS, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]
  24. P.-M. Abadie, Keynote: European and international status of the management and disposal of radioactive waste, developments and challenges ahead, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  25. IGD-TP, Vision 2040 – Strategic Research Agenda (September 2020) [Google Scholar]
  26. T. Jalonen, IGD-TP – towards operating and optimization of geological disposal facilities, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  27. EC, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1214 of 9 March 2022 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 as regards economic activities in certain energy sectors and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 as regards specific public disclosures for those economic activities (2022) [Google Scholar]
  28. D. Diaconu et al., UMAN – a pluralistic view of uncertainties management, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  29. J. Najder, Keynote: the future of nuclear: collaboration, vision and innovation – perspectives from YGN, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  30. P. Ormai et al., Development of guidance documents in the EURAD and PREDIS projects, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads, edited by J. Faltejsek (2022) [Google Scholar]
  31. P. Carbol et al., EURAD-PREDIS knowledge management interactions, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & overheads (2022) [Google Scholar]
  32. T. Beattie et al., Overview of knowledge management in EURAD, EURADWASTE ‘22 book of abstracts – abstract & poster (2022) [Google Scholar]

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