Open Access

Table 14.

Main standard characteristics concerning their latest releases.

Standard Fission Products (FP) Capture in FP. Actinides
ANSI/ANS-5.1 (2014) 23-term exponential fit t ≤ 104sec: G-factort >  104sec: Explicit: 133 − 134CsCorrection for the rest Explicit: 239U, 239NpCorrection for the rest
DIN 25463 1/2 (2014) 24-term exponential fit Depletion chains Depletion chains
RG 3.54 Rev.2 (2018) 9-term exponential fit ANSI/ANS-5.1 (2014) Explicit: 133 − 134CsCorrection for the rest semi-empirical for7 actinides
ISO 10645 (2022) ANSI/ANS-5.1 (2014) Explicit: 133 − 134CsCorrection for the rest Explicit: 239U, 239Np Correction for the rest

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