Table 1.

Typical uncertainty sources encountered in absolute and ratio liquid-scintillator measurements of are listed, along with realistic ranges of estimates that can be assumed if none are provided for a particular measurement. Also, off-diagonal correlation coefficients for each uncertainty source (for the same and different experiments) are roughly estimated. We implicitly assume that the typical tanks have high or similar detector efficiencies of ∼80% which is indeed often the case. The correlation functions are defined in reference [62].

Unc. Absolute (%) Ratio (%) Cor(Expi) Cor(Expi,Expj)
δc Must be provided Must be provided (δc & δc m ) Diagonal None
δcDG 0.1 0.12 Full Full
δb 0.15 0.5 Gaussian 0.2 for same n source
0 otherwise
δcff 0.22 (high α-activity sample) Gaussian 0.2
- 0.15 (low α-activity sample)
δcFE 0.1 Gaussian 0.2
δω see Table 3 see Table 3 0.9 0.9 (same method & isot.)
0.1 (different isotope)
δτ 0.1 0.08 Full Low (∼0.2)
δεγ + δεc 0.2 N/A Gaussian Gaussian
δχ 0.23 0.16 Gaussian Full (same Einc)
0.5 (2nd-chance fission) Gaussian (different Einc)
δLn 0.2 N/A Full 0.5
δa N/A (isotropic) 0.01–0.3 0.8–1.0 0.6
0.5 at 2nd c.f. and > 10 MeV
N/A From libraries/reference Full Full
δd N/A (point source) 0.1–0.3 Full 0.8–0.9 (not corrected)
δds/m N/A 0.05 Full None
ΔEinc Estimate from similar facilities Full in 0
at the same Einc Einc space

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