Open Access

Table 3.

Statistical quantities (in %) for the C/E − 1 values for a number of actinides. All types are included (i.e. fuel and reactor type, cooling time, sample burnup and other characteristics)

n Mean std Median Mad IQR Q1 Q3 ΔCmax % in mean
−1.5IQR +1.5IQR Nuc. Data Other ±1std ±2std
234U 296 +5.9 21 +6.0 11.4 22.5 −40.4 49.8 10 2 72 98
235U 721 +0.2 7.9 +0.8 3.4 6.9 −13.4 14.3 4 7 78 95
236U 355 −1.8 4.5 −1.2 2.2 4.7 −11.0 7.7 3 2 79 94
238U 311 −0.0 0.4 +0.0 0.1 0.1 −0.2 0.1 0.3 2 89 92
237Np 204 −0.5 11 −0.4 5.1 10.8 −21.7 21.6 6 4 78 95
238Pu 318 −2.6 11 −2.7 6.9 14.1 −31.0 25.3 13 6 73 95
239Pu 713 +2.5 7.9 +2.5 4.2 8.3 −14.4 18.7 3 4 75 95
240Pu 355 +1.8 5.6 +1.4 3.4 6.4 −11.0 14.6 5 4 69 96
241Pu 335 −0.8 8.0 −1.0 4.1 8.0 −17.3 14.9 4 4 75 94
242Pu 334 +0.4 8.2 +0.3 4.7 9.2 −17.9 19.0 9 6 75 95
244Pu 14 −75 14 −77 9 152 −311 160 9 4 78 93
241Am 268 −1.4 23 −3.5 8.4 20.2 −39.5 41.5 5 5 81 94
242mAm 190 −0.8 22 −5.7 15.2 31.4 −63.7 62.1 6 5 68 97
243Am 269 +1.0 17 −4.1 8.3 19.4 −40.1 37.5 10 10 74 94
242Cm 82 −24 21 −23 16.1 46.4 −108 62.2 4 6 72 96
243Cm 128 −8.1 68 −16.5 20 41.2 −102 63.0 17 8 87 93
244Cm 279 +2.0 24 +0.0 8.9 17.9 −37.1 7.6 12 10 82 93
245Cm 203 −5.0 29 −0.1 12.3 22.4 −12.6 34.4 15 13 77 92
246Cm 182 −9.2 29 −10.2 11.5 24.5 −59.8 35.3 26 28 75 94

See text for the explanation of the quantities.

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