Open Access

Table 12

Initial delayed neutron fraction for the 233U-started MSFR.

233U-started composition LPSC ENDF/B6 POLITO JEFF-311 (see Sect. 3.2.5) POLIMI SERPENT POLIMI
TU Delft
      JEFF-3.1 ENDF-B7    
      Nominal flow rate Uniform sampling      
β0 (pcm) 330 315.00 ± 0.04 310 325 310
βeff (pcm) 320 305.00 ± 0.76 305 317.8 318.1 290
βcirceff 0.529 0.3837 0.479 0.407 0.540a 0.430
βcirc (pcm) 169.46 117.3 146 124 171.9a 124.6

Values calculated with a simplified correction method and not with ERANOS.

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