Table 4

Results comparison when a normalisation marginal parameter is taken into account. AN_Margi represents the deterministic method, MC_Margi represents the semi-stochastic resolution, BMC is the classical method and the last column called Importance is the BMC where an importance function is used for the sampling.

Physical quantities AN MC_Margi BMC Importance
S0 (×10−4) 1.073 1.073 1.063 1.074
δS0 (×10−6) 9.634 9.469 8.939 9.490
S1 (×10−4) 1.192 1.194 1.215 1.193
δS1 (×10−6) 11.60 11.52 8.945 11.54
Correlation 0.081 0.035 −0.061 0.044
δy〉 (%) 1.19 1.17 0.93 1.18

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