EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol.
Volume 7, 2021
A tribute to Massimo Salvatores' scientific work
Article Number 11
Number of page(s) 20
Published online 30 June 2021
  1. M. Salvatores et al., ZPR-6 initial plate-rod heterogeneity measurements, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 14, 18 (1971) [Google Scholar]
  2. P.H. Kier, M. Salvatores, W.R. Robinson, K.D. Dance, Analysis of small sample Doppler measurements in ZPR-6 assemblies 6 and 7, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 14, 844 (1971) [Google Scholar]
  3. B.A. Zolotar, M. Salvatores, B.M. Bingman, E.E. Lewis, A comparative study of heterogeneity treatments for ZPR plate cells, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 14, 848 (1971) [Google Scholar]
  4. R.A. Karam, W.R. Robinson, M. Salvatores, Comparison of Endf/B Versions I, II, and Preliminary III, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 15, 458 (1972) [Google Scholar]
  5. D'Angelo, A., M. Martini, M. Salvatores, 235U compact Cu-reflected TAPIRO reactor integral experiment results and a check of some high-energy ENDF/B-III data, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 17, 498 (1973) [Google Scholar]
  6. D'Angelo, A., M. Martini, M. Salvatores, TAPIRO fast source reactor as a benchmark for nuclear data testing, Energia Nucleare 20, 614–621 (1973) [Google Scholar]
  7. M. Salvatores, Adjustment of multigroup neutron cross sections by a correlation method, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 50, 345–353 (1973) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  8. P.H. Kier, M. Salvatores, The effect of local flux distortions on the Doppler effect of small fissile samples, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 53, 479–482 (1974) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  9. A. Gandini, M. Salvatores, Nuclear data and Integral Measurements Correlation for Fast reactors-Part 3: The Consistent Method, RT/FI(74)3, Comitato Nazionale per l'Energia Nucleare, Rome (1974) [Google Scholar]
  10. M. Martini, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, A benchmark experiment of neutron propagation in iron used to test ENDF/B cross-section data, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 56, 427 (1975) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  11. J.C. Estiot, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, J.P. Trapp, Interprétation des Expériences de Propagation de Neutrons dans des Mélanges Fer-Sodium avec le Formulaire PROPAN O, IAEA-OECD Meeting on the Quality of Data for Shielding Calculations, Vienna, Austria, October 1976 [Google Scholar]
  12. J.C. Estiot, J.P. Trapp, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, Use of Integral data of the prediction of neutron propagation in iron-sodium mixtures, in Fifth International Conference on Reactor Shielding, Knoxville, TN, April 1977 [Google Scholar]
  13. D'Angelo, A. Oliva, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, S. Zero, Consistent utilization of shielding benchmark experiments, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 65, 477–491 (1978) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  14. G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, Utilisation d'Expériences Intégrales pour la Réduction des Incertitudes Affectant les Paramétres Project dans les Calculs de Protection, in Specialist's Meeting on Nuclear Data and Benchmarks for Reactor Shielding, Paris, France, October 1980 [Google Scholar]
  15. M. Carta, A. De Carli, R. Martinelli, P. Moioli, G. Daguzan, M. Salvatores, J.P. Trapp, Spectrum characterization in a simulated FR blanket region via activation of threshold and continuous detectors, in Proceedings of the 4th ASTM-EURATOM Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry: Radiation Metrology Techniques, Data Bases, and Standardization, Gaithersburg, (1982) pp. 211–218 [Google Scholar]
  16. G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, Use of integral experiments in the assessment of large liquid-metal fast breeder reactor basic design parameters, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 87, 333–348 (1984) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  17. J.P. Grouiller, E. Fort, F. Gibiat, P. Marimbeau, L. Martin-Deidier, J. Recolin, M. Salvatores, R. Soule, P. Coulon, A. D'Angelo, J. Bouchard, M. Lucas, Comparison between calculation and experiment for the composition of heavy isotope samples irradiated in Phénix, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fast Breeder Reactors: Experience and Trends, 1, Lyon 407–418 (1986) [Google Scholar]
  18. M. Salvatores et al., A first analysis of selected neutronics experiments at superphénix 1 start-up, in International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics, Mathematics and Computation, Paris, France, April (1987) [Google Scholar]
  19. M. Salvatores, M. Carta, R. Soule, Power reactor and critical experiment heterogeneity effects assessment for bias factors definition, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 100, 1–15 (1988) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  20. R. Soule, G. Palmiotti et al., The BALZAC Program on the MASURCA Critical Facility Main Result, in International Reactor Physics Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, September 1988 [Google Scholar]
  21. M. Carta, G. Granget, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, R. Soule, Control rod heterogeneity effects in liquid-metal fast breeder reactors: method developments and experimental validation, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 100, 269–276 (1988) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  22. J.C. Gauthier, J.C. Cabrillat, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, M. Giese, M. Carta, J.P. West, Measurement and predictions of control rod worth, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 106, 18–29 (1990) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  23. A. D'Angelo, F. Cleri, P. Marimbeau, M. Salvatores, J.P. Grouiller, Analysis of sample and fuel pin irradiation experiments in Phénix for basic nuclear data validation, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 105, 244–255 (1990) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  24. R. Soule, G. Granger, J.C. Gauthier, J.C. Cabrillat, M. Martini, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, D. Calamand, A. D'Angelo, The BALZAC Program: Summary of the Comparison between the Main Calculated and Experimental Results, PHYSOR-90 International Conference on the Physics of Reactors, Marseille, France (April 23–27, 1990) [Google Scholar]
  25. J.C. Cabrillat, J.C. Gauthier, M. Martini, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, R. Soule, J.P. West, G. Sacre, F. Helm, A. Polch, N.T. Gulliford, The CONRAD programme: experiments and analysis for an axially heterogeneous core in the MSURCA facility, in PHYSOR-90 International Conference on the Physics of Reactors, Marseille, France April 23–27, 1990 [Google Scholar]
  26. C. Prunier, M. Salvatores, J.F. Babelot, J. van Geel et al., Target development and transmutation experiments in the frame of the EFTTRA European collaboration, in International Topical Conference on the Evaluation of Fuel Cycle for Future Nuclear Systems GLOBAL'95, Versailles, France, September 11–14, 1995 [Google Scholar]
  27. M. Salvatores, M. Martini, I. Slessarev, J.C. Cabrillat, J.P. Chauvin, P. Finck, R. Jacqmin, R. Soule, A. Tchistiakov, MUSE-1: a first experiment at MASURCA to validate the physics of sub-critical multiplying systems relevant to ADS, in Second International Conference on Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technologies and Applications, Kalmar, Sweden, June 3–7, 1996 [Google Scholar]
  28. M. Salvatores, M. Martini, I. Slessarev, J.C. Cabrillat, J.P. Chauvin, P. Finck, R. Jacqmin, R. Soule, A. Tchistiakov, The neutronics of a source-driven multiplying medium and its experimental validation at MASURCA, in Physor 96 International Conference on the Physics of Reactors, Mito, Japan, September 16–20, 1996 [Google Scholar]
  29. M. Salvatores, Reactor physics and role of experiments, in Physor 96. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors, Mito, Japan, September 16–20, 1996 [Google Scholar]
  30. M. Salvatores, G. Ritter, I. Slesssarev, A. Tchistiakov, A. Zaetta, A multipurpose experimental accelerator-driven reactor: The HADRON concept, in Global'97, Yokohama, Japan, October 5–10, 1997 [Google Scholar]
  31. R. Soule, M. Salvatores, R. Jacqmin, M. Martini, J.F. Lebrat, P. Bertrand, U. Broccoli, V. Peluso, Validation of neutronic methods applied to the analysis of fast subcritical systems: The MUSE-2 experiments, in Global'97, Yokohama, Japan, October 5–10, 1997 [Google Scholar]
  32. J.F. Babelot, J.V. Geel, R. Conrad, W.M.P. Franken, H. Gruppelaar, G. Mühling, C. Prunier, M. Salvatores and M. Rome, Target development and transmutation experiments in the frame of Efftra European Collaboration, in ANS International Conference on Evaluation of Emerging Nuclear Fuel Cycle Systems, Versailles, France, September 11–14, 1995 [Google Scholar]
  33. J.-F. Babelot, R. Conrad, R.J.M. Konings, G. Mühling, M. Salvatores, G. Vambenepe, The EFTTRA experiment on irradiation of Am targets, J. Alloys Compd. 271–273, 606–609 (1998) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  34. G.S. Bauer, M. Salvatores, G. Heusener, MEGAPIE, a 1 MW pilot experiment for a liquid metal spallation target, J. Nucl. Mater. 296, 17–33 (2001) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  35. J.B. Briggs, J. Gadó, H. Hunter, I. Kodeu, M. Salvatores, E. Sartori, International integral experiments databases in support of nuclear data and code validation, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 39, 852–855 (2002) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  36. L. Mercatali, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, Analysis of PROFIL-1 irradiation experiment and related uncertainty assessment, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 88, 509 (2003) [Google Scholar]
  37. G. Imel, D. Naberejnev, G. Palmiotti, G. Granget, L. Mandard, Ch. Jammes, S. Andriamonje, J.C. Steckmeyer, Y. Kadi, M. Carta, R. Rosa, S. Monti, N. Burgio, A. Santagata, C. Broeders, J. Knebel, M. Salvatores, The TRADE experiment and progress, in Proceedings of the International Conference Global 2003: Atoms for Prosperity: Updating Eisenhower's Global Vision for Nuclear Energy, 1391–1397, New Orleans (2003) [Google Scholar]
  38. C. Krakowiak-Aillaud, A. Bergeron, Y. Kadi, P. Agostini, M. Palomba, L. Maciocco, D. Struwe, H. Chen, X. Cheng, G. Granget, Y. Lejeail, P. Turroni, S. Monti, M. Salvatores, The TRADE solid target system design, in Proceedings of the International Conference Global 2003: Atoms for Prosperity: Updating Eisenhower's Global Vision for Nuclear Energy, New Orleans (2003), pp. 1398–1413 [Google Scholar]
  39. C. Rubbia, S. Monti, M. Salvatores, A. D'Angelo, G. Bignan, N. Burgio, D. Cacuci, J. Cahalan, M. Carta, P. Fougeras, G. Granget, G. Imel, C. Jammes, Y. Kadi, J. Knebel, S. Maloy, D.G. Naberejnev, H. Philibert, P. Ravetto, TRADE: A full experimental validation of the ADS concept in a European perspective, in Proceedings of the International Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology: Accelerator Application in a Nuclear Renaissance, San Diego (2003), pp. 8–16 [Google Scholar]
  40. P. Agostini, A. Aiello, P. Turroni, F. Pisacane, S. Monti, S. Buono, L. Maciocco, S. Maloy, Y. Lejeail, M. Salvatores, The TRADE target design and development, in Proceedings of the International Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology: Accelerator Application in a Nuclear Renaissance, San Diego (2003), pp. 103–108 [Google Scholar]
  41. L. Picardi, C. Ronsivalle, M. Salvatores, S. Monti, L. Cinotti, N. Burgio, M. Carta, Y. Kadi, N. Meda, G. Locatelli, A. Santagata, L. Zanini and A. Herrera-Martínez, Design of the proton beam line for the TRADE experiment, in Proceedings of the International Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology: Accelerator Application in a Nuclear Renaissance, San Diego (2003), pp. 138–143 [Google Scholar]
  42. F. Pisacane, G. Bianchini, N. Burgio, M. Carta, A. D'Angelo, A. Santagata, S. Monti, Y. Kadi, A. Herrera-Martínez, L. Zanini and M. Salvatores, Evaluation of the spallation target design characteristics for the TRADE experiment, in Proceedings of the International Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology: Accelerator Application in a Nuclear Renaissance, San Diego (2003), pp. 425–430 [Google Scholar]
  43. G. Aliberti, G. Imel, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, C. Jammes, G. Perret, Dynamic analysis of source driven fast neutron systems for experimental techniques of subcritical reactivity measurement, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 89, 641 (2003) [Google Scholar]
  44. C. Rubbia, M. Carta, N. Burgio, C. Ciavola, A. D'Angelo, A. Dodaro, A. Festinesi, S. Monti, A. Santagata, F. Troiani, M. Salvatores, M. Delpech, Y. Kadi, S. Buono, A. Ferrari, A.H. Martínez, L. Zanini, G. Imel, Neutronic analyses of the TRADE demonstration facility, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 148, 103–123 (2004) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  45. C. Rubbia, P. Agostini, M. Carta, S. Monti, M. Palomba, F. Pisacane, C. Krakowiak, M. Salvatores, Y. Kadi, A. Herrera-Martínez and L. Maciocco, The TRADE experiment: status of the project and physics of the spallation target, in Proceedings of the International Conference PHYSOR 2004: The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems − Global Developments, Chicago (2004), pp. 467–487 [Google Scholar]
  46. M. Carta, A. D'Angelo, V. Peluso, G. Aliberti, G. Imel, V. Kulik, G. Palmiotti, J.F. Lebrat, Y. Rugama, C. Destouches, E. González-Romero, D. Villamarín, S. Dulla F. Gabrielli, P. Ravetto, M. Salvatores, Reactivity assessment and spatial time-effects from the MUSE kinetics experiments, in Proceedings of the International Conference PHYSOR 2004: The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems − Global Developments, Chicago (2004), pp. 657–669 [Google Scholar]
  47. L. Mercatali, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, J. Tommasi, Irradiation experiment analysis for cross section validation, in Proceedings of the International Conference PHYSOR 2004: The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems − Global Developments, Chicago (2004), pp. 2323–2333 [Google Scholar]
  48. G. Palmiotti, G. Aliberti, M. Salvatores, J. Tommasi, Integral experiments analysis for validation and improvement of minor actinide data for transmutation needs, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fe (2005), pp. 1436–1441 [Google Scholar]
  49. M. Salvatores, The interplay of theory and experiments in reactor physics, Invited lecture as Eugene P. Wigner Reactor Physicist Award Winner, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 93, 361–362 (2005) [Google Scholar]
  50. M. Carta, N. Burgio, A. D'Angelo, A. Santagata, C. Petrovich, M. Schikorr, D. Beller, L.S. Felice, G. Imel, M. Salvatores, Electron versus proton accelerator driven sub-critical system performance using TRIGA reactors at power, in Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics PHYSOR-2006, Vancouver, Canada, (2006) [Google Scholar]
  51. G. Aliberti, G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, Representativity studies for sodium and gas-cooled reactors, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 95, 774–777 (2006) [Google Scholar]
  52. M. Salvatores, G. Aliberti, G. Palmiotti, The role of differential and integral experiments to meet requirements for improved nuclear data, in ND 2007: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, April 22-27, Nice, France, Vol. 2, Proceedings Pages: 883–886 Published: 2008 [Google Scholar]
  53. G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, H. Hiruta, Sensitivity analysis of experimental blanket/reflector interface effects in fast reactors for nuclear data improvement, in Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society − 4th Topical Meeting on Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management 2009, ANFM IV, 2, Head Island, South Carolina (2009), pp. 1377–1391 [Google Scholar]
  54. G. Youinou, G. Palmiotti, C. Mcgrath, G. Imel, M. Pau, R. Pardo, F. Kondev, M. Salvatores, MANTRA: an integral reactor physics experiment to infer actinide capture cross-sections from thorium to californium with accelerator mass spectrometry, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1940–1944 (2011) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  55. G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, Developments in sensitivity methodologies and the validation of reactor physics calculations, Sci. Technol. Nucl. Install. 2012, 529623 (2012) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  56. J. Bouchard, M. Salvatores, Reactor physics development from the early sixties to yesterday: John Rowlands contribution, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 107, 1171–1172 (2012) [Google Scholar]
  57. R.C. Pardo, F.G. Kondev, S. Kondrashev, C. Nair, T. Palchan, R. Scott, D. Seweryniak, R. Vondrasek, M. Paul, P. Collon, C. Deibel, G. Youinou, M. Salvatores, G. Palmiotti, J. Berg, J. Fonnesbeck, G. Imel, Toward laser ablation accelerator mass spectrometry of actinides, Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B 294, 281–286 (2013) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  58. G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, The role of experiments and of sensitivity analysis in simulation validation strategies with emphasis on reactor physics, Ann. Nucl. Energy 52, 10–21 (2013) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  59. M. Salvatores, G. Palmiotti, G. Aliberti, P. Archier, C. De Saint Jean, E. Dupont, M. Herman, M. Ishikawa, T. Ivanova, E. Ivanov, S.−J. Kim, I. Kodeli, G. Manturov, R. McKnight, S. Pelloni, C. Perfetti, A.J.M. Plompen, B.T. Rearden, D. Rochman, K. Sugino, A. Trkov, W. Wang, H. Wu, W.−S.Yang, Methods and issues for the combined use of integral experiments and covariance data: results of a NEA international collaborative study, Nucl. Data Sheets 118, 38–71 (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  60. G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, G. Aliberti, M. Herman, S.D. Hoblit, R.D. McKnight, P. Obložinský, P. Talou, G.M. Hale, H. Hiruta, T. Kawano, C.M. Mattoon, G.P.A. Nobre, A. Palumbo, M. Pigni, M.E. Rising, W.-S. Yang, A.C. Kahler, Combined use of integral experiments and covariance data, Nucl. Data Sheets 118, 596–636 (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  61. G. Youinou, R. Vondrasek, H. Veselka, M. Salvatores, M. Paul, R. Pardo, G. Palmiotti, T. Palchan, O. Nusair, J. Nimmagadda, C. Nair, P. Murray, T. Maddock, S. Kondrashev, F.G. Kondev, W. Jones, G. Imel, C. Glass, J. Fonnesbeck, J. Berg and W. Bauder, MANTRA: an integral reactor physics experiment to infer actinide the neutron capture cross sections of actinides and fission products in fast and epithermal spectra, Nucl. Data Sheets 119, 169–172 (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  62. G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, Role of experiment covariance in cross section adjustments (based on seminal work performed by R.D. McKnight), invited, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 110, 618–621 (2014) [Google Scholar]
  63. M. Salvatores, Measuring the Earth and the Sky, Invited Speech for the Plenary Session Int. Conf. Physor 2018, Q.R. Cancun, Mexico, April 22–26, 2018 [Google Scholar]
  64. R.C. Pardo, T. Palchan-Hazan, R. Scott, M. Paul, O. Nusair, W. Bauder, R. Vondrasek, D. Seweryniak, S. Baker, R. Talwar, P. Collon, F.G. Kondev, G. Youinou, M. Salvatores, G. Palmiotti, J. Berg, J. Giglio, M.T. Giglio, G. Imel, C. Nair, C.L. Jiang, Laser ablation positive-ion AMS of neutron activated actinides, Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B 438, 172–179 (2019) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  65. M. Salvatores, G. Palmiotti, Methods and approaches to provide feedback from nuclear and covariance data adjustment for improvement of nuclear data files: major findings of the NEA WPEC Subgroup 39, ND2019, Beijing, China, 2019 (to appear on EPJ Web of Conference) [Google Scholar]
  66. G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, Revisiting the bias factor methodologies for the validation of fast test reactors, Ann. Nucl. Energy 145, 107591 (2020) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  67. M. Salvatores, M. Carta, F. Orsitto, N. Burgio, V. Fabrizio, L. Falconi, F. Panza, An approach to the experimental validation of the fission multiplying blanket of hybrid fusion fission systems, to appear on Annals of Nuclear Energy [Google Scholar]
  68. C. Allardice, E.R. Trappnell, First Atomic Pile, in Astounding Science Fiction, Vol. XLVIII, 4, pp. 82–98, December 1951 [Google Scholar]
  69. T. Kamei, T. Yoshida, Error due to nuclear data uncertainties in the prediction of large liquid-metal fast breeder reactor core performance parameters. Nucl. Sci. Eng. 84, 83 (1983) [Google Scholar]
  70. L.N. Usachev, Y. Bobkov, Planning an optimum set of microscopic experiments and evaluations to obtain a given accuracy in reactor parameter calculations, INDC CCP-19/U, International Data Committee (1972) [Google Scholar]
  71. P. Blaise, E. Fort, Resonance adjustment methodology based on integral experiment analysis, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 133, 3 (1999) [Google Scholar]
  72. G. Bitelli, M. Salvatores, Neutron flux and importance distribution by collision method, starting from a generalized source, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 36, 309–314 (1969) [Google Scholar]
  73. G. Bignan, P. Fougeras, P. Blaise, J.P. Hudelot, F. Mellier, 2015 Chapter 18 − in Handbook of Nuclear Engineering, vol. 3, Dan Cacuci (ed.) (Springer Verlag) [Google Scholar]
  74. A. Hajji, C. Coquelet-Pascal, P. Blaise, Deterministic and Monte-Carlo interpretations of the MASURCA BALZAC-SI internal storage SFR experiment and quantification of uncertainties to nuclear data, Ann. Nucl. Energy 154, 108098 (2021) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  75. M.S. Chenaud, N. Devictor, G. Mignot, F. Varaine, C. Vénard, L. Martin, M. Phelip, D. Lorenzo, F. Serre, F. Bertrand, N. Alpy, M. Le Flem, P. Gavoille, R. Lavastre, P. Richard, D. Verrier, D. Schmitt, Status of the ASTRID core at the end of the pre-conceptual design phase 1, Nucl. Eng. Technol. 45, 721–730 (2013) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  76. J.M. Bonnerot, V. Broudic, M. Phelip, C. Jegou, F. Varaine, X. Deschanels, M.F. Arnoux, J.L. Faugere, Transmutation in reactor and aqueous corrosion resistance of technetium metal, J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 6, 287–290 (2005) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  77. IAEA, Use of Low Enriched Uranium Fuel in Accelerator Driven Subcritical Systems, IAEA TECDOC SERIES, ISSN 101 14289; NO. 1821, IAEAL 17-01106, ISBN 978-92-0-106217-8, (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, August 2017) [Google Scholar]
  78. F. Heidet, G. Youinou, T. Fei, M.A. Smith, G. Palmiotti, S. Bays, Tradeoff studies for a versatile fast spectrum test reactor. In: Proceedings of PBNC 2018, San Francisco, California, 2018 [Google Scholar]

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