Issue |
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol.
Volume 8, 2022
Euratom Research and Training in 2022: challenges, achievements and future perspectives
Article Number | 23 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
Section | Part 1: Safety research and training of reactor systems | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 October 2022 |
Review Article
Probabilistic Safety Assessment for internal and external events on nuclear power plants and on mitigation strategies/H2020 European projects NARSIS, R2CA and BESEP
Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, Energy Division, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
IRSN Cadarache, Nuclear Safety Division, 13108 St Paul-lez-Durance, France
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Kemistintie 3, Espoo, Finland
* e-mail:
Received in final form:
Published online: 14 October 2022
The NARSIS project aimed at improving assessment methodologies to be integrated into “extended Probabilistic Safety Assessment” (PSA) procedures for nuclear plants in case of single, cascade and combined external natural events. An open-access framework tool has been released to build multi-hazard scenarios, and various risk integration approaches (e.g., Bayesian Networks) have been implemented and compared, identifying their advantages and limits for further collaborative research activities. The R2CA project aims at harmonizing the safety analysis methods for best estimate evaluations of the radiological consequences, in case of Design Basis Accidents and Design Extension Conditions without significant fuel melting. It is planned to improve models and upgrade existing simulation tools and calculation chains used in safety studies. Finally, the BESEP project is to support safety margin determination, by developing best practices for safety requirement verification against external hazards, using efficient and integrated set of Safety Engineering practices and PSA. The project is carried out in a benchmark exercise based on case studies previously performed by the consortium participants. All three projects aim to improve nuclear safety within the European research and development framework. The research objectives are achieved by the development and improvement of proven and justified safety assessment methodologies for the verification of stringent safety requirements of nuclear industry.
© E. Foerster et al., Published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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