Table 2.

Uncertainty template for in-beam measurement types γ-ray spectroscopy (2.2.3) and direct charged-particle detection (2.2.4) and offline measurement types AA (2.3.1) and AMS (2.3.2). The variables are defined in the following sections. The values are relative uncertainties, given in percent, on the parameter. Parameters with no recommended uncertainty values are left blank, and those that are not applicable to the measurement method are denoted with a hyphen, “–”. The correlations provided here are between different data points within the same experiment.

Uncertainty source γ-spec (%) CP (%) AA (%) AMS (%) corr(i, j)
(4.1.1) δE 1 1 1 1 Strong Gaussian
(4.2.1) δn Table 3 Table 3 Table 3 Fully
(4.2.2) δw Table 3 Table 3 Table 3 Fully
(4.2.3) δm Table 3 1–2 Table 3 Strong Gaussian
(4.2.5) δc Uncorrelated
(4.2.6) δε (γ-ray) Table 4 Table 4 Fully
(CP) 2–5 2–5 Strong Gaussian
(4.2.8) δΩθ 1 Fully
(4.3.3) δb (AMS) 5 Uncorrelated
(4.4.1) δΦ (monitor) 2–5 2–5 Strong Gaussian
(AP) 1–3 1–3
(4.4.2) δϕ (direct) ≥3 ≥3 Strong Gaussian

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