Open Access

Table 22.

Relative differences between Griffin and Flattop-23 benchmark kinetics parameters.

Method Energy grid SPH application (%)
βeff Λ
Diffusion ECCO5 Direct and adjoint flux −13.386 −16.323
Direct flux only −5.799 28.850
None −7.813 62.682
ECCO24 Direct and adjoint flux −15.228 8.875
Direct flux only −7.052 21.754
None −9.343 55.580
SN ECCO5 Direct and adjoint flux −8.741 1.396
Direct flux only −7.095 3.828
None −7.229 4.660
ECCO24 Direct and adjoint flux SPH did not converge
Direct flux only SPH did not converge
None −8.550 −0.717

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