Open Access

Table 16.

Relative differences between Griffin and Serpent Godiva kinetics parameters.

Method Energy grid SPH application (%)
βeff Λ
Diffusion ECCO5 Direct and adjoint flux 1.540 12.687
Direct flux only 2.413 13.617
None 2.523 13.221
ECCO24 Direct and adjoint flux 1.560 14.155
Direct flux only 2.370 15.163
None 2.517 14.537
SN ECCO5 Direct and adjoint flux 1.473 −2.013
Direct flux only 1.683 −1.797
None −1.688 −1.704
ECCO24 Direct and adjoint flux SPH did not converge
Direct flux only SPH did not converge
None 1.599 −0.219

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