Open Access

Table 1

List of detectors whose signals pass to the inlet of PTK-Z instrumentation equipment.

Parameters measured Type of signal Number of signals Source of signal
Neutron flux density Analog 54 X 7 SPND (ICID)
Inlet coolant temperature in FA Analog 50 thermocouple (ICID)
Outlet coolant temperature in FA Analog 100 thermocouple (ICID)
Coolant temperature under reactor top head Analog 4 thermocouple (ICID)
Coolant temperature in the primary hot legs Analog 6 X 4 RTD
Coolant temperature in the primary cold legs Analog 6 X 4 RTD
Pressure difference in RCPS Analog 6 X 4 Pressure difference transducer
Frequency of RCPS supply Analog 6 X 4 Frequency detector
RCPS actuation Discrete 6 X 4 Relay (dry contact)
RCPS trip Discrete 6 X 4 Relay (dry contact)
RCPS capacity Analog 6 X 4 Capacity detector
Pressure above the core Analog 6 Pressure transducer

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