Table B.3

Fuel cycle service unit costs.

Fuel cycle step Unit Range Basic value
Uranium mining/milling US $/kg U 50–300 100
Uranium conversion US $/kg U 5–15 10
Uranium enrichment US $/kg SWU 85–150 110
Fuel fabrication for VVER, RBMK (UOX) US $/kg HM 240–420 350
Fuel fabrication for SFR, VVER (MOX) US $/kg HM 1000–6000 3500
Fuel fabrication for SFR (blanket fuel) US $/kg HM 200–500 300
Spent fuel reprocessing for VVER, RBMK (UOX) US $/kg HM 460–900 600
Spent fuel reprocessing for SFR, VVER (MOX) US $/kg HM 640–1000 770
Spent fuel reprocessing for SFR (blanket fuel) US $/kg HM 460–900 600
RW treatment for VVER, RBMK US $/kg HM 150–350 250
RW treatment for SFR US $/kg HM 250–1000 860
Spent fuel direct disposal for VVER, RBMK US $/kg HM 270–1580 850
Pu storage US $/kg Pu 2000 2000

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