Table 1

Demonstration technologies and waste materials of the THERAMIN project.

Technology Demonstrator Waste stream Waste category Product
Shiva CEA/Orano, France Organic ion exchange resin Unconditioned wastes Vitrified
In Can CEA/Orano, France Ashes Unconditioned wastes Vitrified
GeoMelt 1 NNL,United Kingdom Cementitous wastes Conditioned wastes Vitrified
GeoMelt 2 NNL, United Kingdom Heterogeneous sludges Unconditioned wastes Vitrified
Thermal gasification VTT, Finland Organic ion exchange resin Unconditioned wastes Solid residue
Vitrification Vuje/Javys, Slovakia Chrompik Liquid wastes Vitrified
HIP USFD, United Kingdom Uranium containing sludges Unconditioned wastes Vitrified/Ceramics

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