Open Access

Table 2

Friction tests.

Central specimens Outer specimens Environment Operating temperature (°C) Contact stress (MPa) Rubbing speed (mm/s) Total rubbing distance (m)
316L(N) 316L(N) Argon 200 31 1 4
316L(N) 316L(N) Purified sodium 200 31 1 4
NiCrBSi alloy B (PTAW) 316L(N) Purified sodium 200 31 1 4
NiCrBSi alloy B (PTAW) 316L(N) Non purified sodium 200 31 Variable 4

Purified sodium = [O] < 1 ppm; Non purified sodium = [O] > 10 ppm. The rubbing speed is defined as the speed at which the coated specimen moves relatively to the pin; the total rubbing distance is defined as the total distance travelled by the pin on the coated sample.

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