Open Access
Table 2
Actions that could be led by intermediaries to nurture niche experiment.
Sharing an agenda of open issues instead of sharing knowledge (Sect. 3.1) | Mobilise, interest, involve a legitimate place (Sect. 3.2) | Prevent or avoid conflicts (Sect. 3.3) |
Introducing open questions on the topic of interest and providing permanent domains for the exchange of ideas | Finding funding sources to support activities | Identification and challenging of institutionalized practices that obstruct new practices |
Organization of events, meetings or novel forum bringing together a large panel of participants likely to have different perspectives and experiences | Organize cross-sector workshops on a regular basis and over several years | Introduction of new actor configurations (e.g. Mankala energy cluster; see Sect. 3.3.2) |
Drawing (locally) new knowledge from participants | Collecting knowledge and examples from elsewhere (e.g. Russia, China, Switzerland) | |
Identifying possible experimental projects in France |
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