Open Access

Table 1

Actors that could be involved in the revolt and remember processes surrounding the development of heat production with nuclear plants in France.

Technology entrepreneurs Innovation intermediaries Policy entrepreneurs
Dalkia ADEME European Commission
EDF AMORCE Local authority & clusters (e.g. Metropole de Strasbourg)
Engie/Cofely ANCRE National authorities
Factory owners (e.g. Arkema, Bonduelle, Renault) CEA Regional authority & clusters
Idex Consultants (e.g. Apave, Bureau veritas) Political parties
Other equipment suppliers (e.g. Adionics, Idhelio, Inpal, Ryb, Trianon échangeurs) Euroheat&Power  
  NGO (e.g. CLCV, MNLE, OREE)  
  Universities & other research organisations (e.g. BRGM, CNRS, Locie)  

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