Open Access

Table 2

SPP (PWR 2748 MWth → 1000 MWe): thermodynamic points.

Point T (°C) P (bar) X (%) H (kJ kg−1) E (kJ kg−1 K−1) F (kg s−1)
1 290 70 200 2793.98 1048.97 139.405
2 290 70 200 2793.98 1048.97 1385.06
3 245 36.5091 93.2741 2685.23 931.684 245.05
4 245 36.5091 93.2741 2685.23 931.684 1140.01
5 184.07 11 85.9332 2499.41 729.341 1140.01
6 184.07 11 100 2780.67 827.192 979.649
7 275 10 200 2997.9 902.283 979.649
8 145.081 2.685 200 2753.21 633.359 180.999
9 145.081 2.685 200 2753.21 633.359 798.65
10 80 0.474147 93.8269 2500.54 351.599 0
11 80 0.474147 93.8269 2500.54 351.599 798.65
12 32.8755 0.05 86.5162 2234.05 49.7124 798.65
13 32.8755 0.05 0 137.765 −4.22995 979.649
14 32.9654 15 −100 139.492 −2.72166 979.649
15 130.081 12.5 −100 547.394 60.0595 979.649
16 170.264 10 −100 720.471 110.977 1524.47
17 171.56 87.5 −100 730.378 120.02 1524.47
18 230 85 −100 991.385 216.545 1524.47
1s 285.83 70 0 1267.44 336.615 139.405
3s 245 36.5091 0 1061.49 242.266 245.05
5s 184.07 11 0 781.198 131.569 160.363
8s 129.782 2.685 0 545.456 58.7786 180.999
10s 80 0.474147 0 334.949 14.3207 0

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