Open Access

Table 4

Data obtained from simulation for Zy-4 fuel rod using FRAPCON-3.4.

  Time (h) Burnup (MW d/kg U) Power (kW/m) Average cladding temperature (°C) Fuel centerline temperature (°C) Oxide layer thickness (μm)
1 235 0.24 12.17 311 526 0.5
2 5035 6.80 15.91 318 579 1.3
3 7373 9.94 24.70 333 708 1.5
4 9353 14.05 24.18 333 683 1.8
5 12 629 20.71 23.62 332 642 2.0
6 14 069 26.38 10.66 327 596 3.0
7 16 711 28.02 20.47 327 608 4.6
8 20 237 34.06 19.95 327 613 6.9
9 22 404 33.39 15.42 335 552 21.1
10 25 368 37.27 15.39 336 558 23.9
11 28 704 41.66 15.39 336 566 27.2
12 30 480 45.94 9.74 318 463 26.4
13 34 320 49.39 11.09 323 493 28.7
14 37 512 52.58 12.17 326 517 30.7
15 40 080 55.37 13.19 329 541 32.8

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