Open Access
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol.
Volume 1, 2015
Article Number E1
Number of page(s) 1
Published online 17 November 2015

Nuclear energy is under deployment in the world, especially in emerging countries, and this deployment is backed by an intense research and development activity. Nowadays, the nuclear energy activity remains, alongside to renewable energy, an important field in the international scientific research, and with the creation of this new journal, in open access, we have the great ambition to fill a gap in the most representative domains, where the lack of appropriate journals is especially striking (for instance nuclear safety, waste management, or technico-economics of nuclear energy).

Founded under the auspices of the French and the European Nuclear Societies, EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies will cover all domains of nuclear sciences and technology. Besides, by giving free access to the latest, cutting-edge results of the research, it responds to the request of public funding agencies, which require that the fruit of their sponsoring be easily and freely available. EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies also highly encourages emerging countries to be part of these scientific exchanges.

EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies is a new part of the already famed European Physical Journal (, a series of peer-reviewed journals covering the whole spectrum of physics and related interdisciplinary subjects. In this way, it benefits from the already well-established infrastructure of EPJ publications, which enables us to guarantee, with a human touch, a fast and efficient processing of the manuscripts. In addition, EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies pledges to keep high quality standards: the editorial board embarks worldwide well-known scientists, with complementary competencies to cover the wide scope of the journal and all members will assure a rigorous peer-review in accordance with the guideline of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).

EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies aspires to publish news results in various submission formats. In addition to regular articles, we welcome suggestions for timely Topical Issues as well as for focused Review papers or Colloquia.

Together with our partners, EDP Sciences and the French and European Nuclear Societies, we are very proud to establish this new journal in our community and we welcome the authors', editors' and referees' contributions to this exciting venture!

Christophe Béhar, Bernard Bonin, and Anne Nicolas, Editors of EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies

© C. Béhar et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2015

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