EPJ N continues commitment to academic integrity with updates to ethical standards for authors
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- Published on 09 February 2024

EPJ N is dedicated to publishing only the highest quality research in Nuclear Sciences & Technologies, continually working to ensure academic integrity at every step of the publishing process.
Recently, several updates have been posted to the Ethical Standards page on the journal website, furthering this commitment. The updates are summarised below for clarity:
Section 1.4 - Changes in Authorship
A new paragraph has been added to clarify the process for any changes in authorship after submission:
“Authors are expected to carefully consider Authorship before submitting their manuscript to the journal. Demands for changes in Authorship prior to publication (including any addition, removal, or rearrangement of author names) will require the corresponding author to: receive the approval of all authors including any to be added or removed (in the Authorship change form that includes the signed agreements of all authors) and provide a reason for the change. Any demand for changes to Authorship subsequent to publication of a manuscript, will be evaluated - and if approved, will require the publication of a Correction. For more information please consult the COPE guidelines:
- Addition of an extra author - before publication
- Removal of an author - before publication
- Removal of an author - after publication”
Section 2 - Conditions for submission of an article – Plagiarism/self-plagiarism/duplicate and preprint submissions
A new paragraph has been added to clarify the journal’s policy on uploading Author Accepted Manuscripts to preprint servers:
“Authors publishing in EPJ N may upload their Author’s Original Manuscript (AOM) at any time of the peer review process before acceptance, on repositories or to a non-commercial preprint server (such as arXiv, PeerJ Preprints, HAL, and others), provided that the server imposes no restrictions on the author's full copyright and re-use rights.
Citation of the original source in repositories or preprint servers must be included within the manuscript on submission or during the review process.
If the article is published, authors are then strongly encouraged to link from the preprint server to the EPJ N publication to enable readers to find, access, and cite the final peer-reviewed version and so as to comply with the license requirement. Please note that EPJ N will not consider for publication content that has been previously published, or is already under review, within a scientific journal or book.”
Section 10 - Special Issues
Regarding Special Issues curated by Guest Editors, EPJ N adheres to the DOAJ criteria for Special Issues.