Table 1.

European HPRRs, operators, and their target fuel system(s) for conversion.

Reactor (primary type) Operator/Organization Current fuel system(s) targetedfor potential conversion
BR2 – Belgian Reactor 2 (material test reactor) SCK CEN Mol, Belgium U3Si2 / UMo dispersion
FRM-II – Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (neutron source, beam-tube reactor) Technische Universität München (TUM) Garching bei München, Germany UMo monolithic
RHF – Réacteur a Haut Flux (neutron source, beam-tube reactor) Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) Grenoble, France U3Si2 / UMo dispersion
JHR – Jules Horowitz Reactor (material test reactor) Note: Under construction Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique(CEA) Cadarache, France U3Si2 / UMo dispersion /UMo monolithic1

1The driver fuel for the first years of nominal operations of JHR will not be High Assay LEU (HALEU; < 20 % U-235 enrichment). For the JHR reference fuel after this period, CEA is deeply involved in the international collaborations aiming to develop and qualify the various HALEU fuels, in particular within the HERACLES consortium (high loaded U3Si2, UMo dispersion and monolithic fuels) [38, 39].

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