Table 4

Fission spectra uncertainties in keff and βeff calculated using the approximate “two-block” prompt fission neutron spectra covariances (i.e. assuming flat anti-correlated 4% standard deviation) compared to those based on covariances from JENDL-4.0 and SCALE-6.0.

Benchmark Isotope keff uncertainty (pcm) βeff uncertainty (pcm)

Two-block JENDL-4.0 SCALE-6.0 Two-block JENDL-4.0 SCALE-6.0
SNEAK 7A 235U 22 27 20 53 50 36
238U 71 99 78 49 25 17
239Pu 261 288 264 572 523 414
Total 271 305 276 577 526 416
SNEAK 7B 235U 41 49 37 78 71 51
238U 109 150 119 36 46 18
239Pu 335 377 343 551 489 377
Total 354 409 364 557 496 381
Jezebel 239Pu 292 367 343 637 820 774
Skidoo Jez-23 233U 106 121 97 212 106 91
Popsy Flat-Pu 235U 6 8 6 28 30 22
238U 47 68 54 105 94 79
239Pu 302 371 348 100 172 45
Total 306 377 352 147 199 93
Topsy Flat-25 235U 220 290 229 195 374 289
238U 44 64 50 47 92 70
Total 224 279 234 201 385 297
Flattop 23 233U 167 180 156 218 304 227
235U 5 7 5 16 17 13
238U 41 58 46 53 45 36
Total 171 189 163 225 308 231
Big-ten 235U 456 575 441 43 200 132
238U 189 273 217 218 400 307
Total 493 637 491 218 448 334
ZPPR-9 235U 6 7 5 14 13 9
238U 76 103 81 45 16 11
239Pu 331 371 332 706 639 520
Total 340 385 342 708 639 521

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